To everyone in the Warrior Soul Nation, have a safe and reflective Memorial Day.
Ryan Michler is a US Army veteran, father, coach, financial advisor, and the founder of The Order of Man a podcast founded to help men step more fully into their roles as protectors, providers, and presiders over themselves, their families, their businesses and their communities.
To learn more about Ryan:
Kristin Rayl is a Personal Trainer and Cannabis Model and Advocate for applications of Cannabis to treat chronic diseases and chronic pain. She is also an expert social media marketer, brand builder, and sales manager within the cannabis industry. Originally from Indiana, Kristin moved to California in order to pursue Cannabis as a treatment for her own chronic conditions including endometriosis and fibromyalgia. Her focus is on encouraging others to see the benefit of switching from pharmaceuticals to plant based medicines. With her fitness background, Kristin brings a unique approach to the cannabis industry that combines fitness, healthy living, and cannabis use.
For Kristin's Instagram: @KristinRayl
For Kristin's Web Site:
In this episode, Chris goes into 6 daily habits that have helped him through the dark times. Of course these habits aren't just for veterans, but they'll be particularly helpful to any veteran out there who's looking to get his or her life on track.
Your problems don't make you special. Everyone faces obstacles in life, and to some extent, if you go through life without any difficulty, it probably means that you aren't really living a fulfilling life.
But sometimes we get into a rut, and the way forward may not appear to be very clear. In this solo episode, Chris discusses some of the problems he's faced in his life and discusses how he pulled himself together.
Chris White is a US Marine Corps Veteran and the founder of Freedom Hard, an unapologetically patriotic brand that focuses on humor to convey it's love of America.
Check out Freedom Hard at:
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Michael Levin is a New York Times Bestselling author and regular contributor at Fox News. He is also the CEO of Business Ghost, a ghost writing service for corporate executives. His latest project, The Manifesto Podcast, discusses politics in contemporary America from the perspective of a right leaning centrist.
To Catch Up with the Manifesto Podcast visit:‘The Manifesto’ @MichaelLevin tap shopping cart top right to Subscribe
Drew Manning is known world wide as the trainer who put on 70 lbs of fat so that he could better identify with his clients, but there's a lot more to him than just Fit2Fat2Fit. Since his divorce, Drew has been living as a single father. He's got a huge heart and a desire to help people with the mental and emotional struggles that lead to problems with weight gain and fitness. Over the past couple of years, Drew has been a major advocate for the ketogenic diet and we get into a great discussion about how he found keto and his advice for those who want to try the keto diet.
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Scott Huesing is a Marine's Marine. After enlisting at age 18 and serving in the first Gulf War, Scott returned to the Marine Corps as an officer. His path eventually led to his command of Echo Company 2/4 in Ramadi. Iraq in 2006.
Scott's recent book Echo in Ramadi is a highly acclaimed account of his Marines and the work they did in Ramadi and the Al Anbar Province in Iraq amid some of the heaviest and bloodiest fighting of that war.
In this conversation, Scott discusses some stories from the book, his perspective on the battle and the war in Iraq, and his perspective on service.
To get a copy of Echo in Ramadi, click here.
Ross and Kara of FBOMB nutrition started their entrepreneurial quest when they saw a distinct problem: so many people were going low carb, but there were very few low carb high fat snack options on the market.
They decided to fill that hole in the market with their FBOMBS, packets containing nut butters and oils that provided a quick and portable snack to low carb dieters.
As with any business story they've had ups and downs, but met each obstacle with grit and determination to help their business to succeed. Now, armed with a new manufacturing facility in Flagstaff Arizona, they are seeking to bring their product to the world, and they want to help US Military service members by sending packs of their healthy snack alternative to troops on the front lines.
If you know of a deployed unit, email us over at and we will get a shipment of healthy FBOMBs out to them!
Greg Amundson is the founder of Satvana Yoga, Krav Maga Santa Cruz and CrossFit Amundson, all located in Santa Cruz, CA.
Greg is one of the original Crossfit athletes, having started Crossfit in the very beginning under coach Greg Glassman. He's also served as a Santa Cruz County Sheriff, Special Agent with the DEA, and as an officer in the United States Army.
Greg is the author of four books, Your Wife is NOT Your Sister, God In Me, Firebreather Fitness and United States Army National Guard: Tips For Success. Greg is also a minister, highly respected lecturer and educator on such topics as Universal Law, Leadership, Warrior Spirit, and Gods Love. Greg’s Podcast “The Greg Amundson Show” has been praised as an encouraging warrior’s perspective on the Word of God. Greg is currently a Graduate Student at Western Seminary in Milpitas, CA., where he is pursuing a Masters of Divinity.
Thomas Delauer is a fitness model and entrepreneur. He's also one of the smartest people in the fitness industry when it comes to fighting inflammation through proper nutrition. Inflammation causes or exacerbates a number of issues that are prevalent in the veteran community including heart disease, diabetes, and even PTS and TBI. Thomas came on the podcast this week to talk about some easy and inexpensive ways that veterans can become healthier with some very simple nutrition tweaks.
To connect with Thomas:
Kenton Clairmont is the founder of Train to Hunt, a company that provides events and conditioning programs specifically for hunters. A former professional baseball player, Kenton combined his love for athletics with his love for hunting. These challenges and conditioning programs are a great way for hunters to stay in shape year round. We spoke to Kenton about how he thought up Train to Hunt along with his success secrets including his daily routine and training schedule. This was an awesome conversation and hunters and non-hunters alike will find a lot of value here.
President Trump recently discussed the right to try in his State of the Union address. The right to try pertains to patients with terminal diseases who wish to try alternative medicines with the blessing of the US Government.
In this podcast we discuss different alternatives for a non-terminal disease that affects many: anxiety. Anxiety affects many Americans and though it is not classified as a terminal disease it can lead to chronic disease and depression.
Matt and I discuss the use of psychedelics as well as their impact on anxiety and athletic performance as well as non-drug induced techniques for achieving altered states of consciousness that could increase performance.
Matt's Web Site where you can book your own consultation -
Matt's recent article about this subject: SOUL X SPORT Article
-Matt Specialize in health restoration, health/fitness optimization, athletic performance, and addiction/stress/trauma wo
-IG: @12amlabs
-Books: The Oxygen Advantage, It Didn’t Start With You, The Body Keeps The Score, Why Zebras Don’t Get Ulcers,
In 2007, Lieutenant Joshua Mantz was on a dismounted patrol just outside of Sadr City in Iraq. As he was standing in front of Staff Sergeant Marlon Harper, a sniper fired a large caliber round from a nearby building. That round passed through Staff Sergeant Harper's chest, killing him instantly. That same round hit Mantz in the leg, severing his femoral artery. Though wounded, Mantz attempted to assist Harper before noticing that he was also gravely wounded.
Mantz began fighting for his life until he flatlined. Mantz was dead for 15 minutes before a determined US Army medical team was able to revive him. Miraculously, Mantz did not suffer brain damage and he was able to return to his deployed unit in Iraq 5 months later. He continued to serve in the Army, reaching the rank of Major, until he was discharged due to severe Crohns Disease.
But though Mantz had healed from his physical wounds, he was not healed. Throughout the rest of his military career and into his civilian life, Mantz struggled with darkness, depression, guilt, and shame regarding his recovery in the shadow of the loss of his soldier. As a high profile spokesman for the military's behavioral therapy program, Josh was able to hide his pain behind the shield of his story. It was not until he was able to integrate this darkness into his life that he truly began to heal. His book, The Beauty of a Darker Soul chronicles his journey and he's made it his mission in life to help others recover from their own invisible wounds.
Shawn Baker is a former professional rugby player, a US Air Force veteran, and an orthopedic surgeon. He is also a leading spokesman for one of the most controversial diets out there: the carnivore diet. Shawn is over 50 years old, he's big, lean, strong, has records in weightlifting and concept 2 rowing, and he can still dunk a basketball. He says he's in the best shape of his life since he switched to consuming nothing but red meat.
Nick Santonastasso was born with a rare genetic condition called Harthan Syndrome. At the time, he was one of only 12 babies that had been born with this condition. Nick has no legs, one arm, and only one finger.
But Nick never let that stop him from following his dreams. Nick has competed on the varsity level in high school wrestling, competed in bodybuilding, and developed a massive social media following for his light hearted and inspirational videos. If you check out his Instagram account, you'll find videos of him lifting weights, playing football, and hanging out with celebrities like the Rock.
We got to sit down with Nick and discuss his life, his future, and his message to anyone out there who thinks that they have limits.
For the video version of this interview, click HERE.
Amputations are an unfortunate product of our modern wars. Luckily, with better medical technology, we are lucky to keep more wounded warriors alive and living productive lives. As we see with some, like Rob Jones, they can even go on to do extraordinary things that even people with all their limbs cannot do. The problem is that these warriors go through so many challenges when it comes to phantom limb pain.
Amira Idris is looking to give her revolutionary pain relieving device away to 80 veterans who are willing to provide information on how well the device works. If you are interested you can contact her directly at
Ok, picture this. It's 3pm. You have 30 things to do on your to do list and not one of them is checked off. You've been playing cleanup - dealing with phone calls and texts all day long. Your wife wants to spend time with you tonight, but it's gonna be rough. Working out? That's a laugh. You don't have time to breathe.
In this episode we talk about setting up your schedule so that you can win the day. This involves finding time in your day to do the things that are important to move you forward, and compartmentalizing the firefighting activities you have to do i.e. solving everyone else's problems into a space that doesn't interrupt the things you need to do to move forward and succeed.
Rob Jones served as a US Marine Corps Combat Engineer in Iraq and Afghanistan. While clearing IED's during a deployment to the Sangin District in the Helmand Province of Afghanistan, Rob stepped on a mine. His injuries resulted in him losing both of his legs above the knee.
During his recovery, Rob became interested in competing in sports. He began training in rowing, and eventually competed for the US Paralympic Team at the 2012 Paralympic Games winning Bronze with his partner Oksana. Seeking more challenges, Rob undertook a solo supported bike ride from Bar Harbor, Maine to Camp Pendleton, California in 2013. Recently, Rob completed 31 marathons in 31 days and raised thousands of dollars for charities including the Semper Fi Fund.
Rob continues to raise money and awareness on veterans issues and speaks at events around the country.