In August 2021, Lt. Col. Stu Scheller made a video that went viral and rocked the Marine Corps. Amidst the US Military's disastrous pullout from Afghanistan, and after the deaths of 13 service members, including 11 Marines, due to a suicide bomber, Scheller made a video demanding accountability from senior leaders for the failures of the US withdrawal.
In the aftermath of this video, Scheller was relieved of command from his position as the battalion commander of the Advanced Infantry Training Batallion at the School of Infantry - East at Camp Lejeune, North Carolina.
Following this, Scheller posted several more videos criticizing Marine Corps leadership, and calling for accountability from the Presidents and Generals who oversaw the war in Afghanistan.
Scheller, a combat Veteran with multiple deployments to Iraq and Afghanistan, was sent to the brig for defying a gag order. He remained there for eight days until a plea deal was struck.
Lt. Col Scheller's story has been widely told. In this interview, I wanted to discuss what he is up to now. Scheller has since left the Marine Corps, and has created Authentic Americans which is "a virtual town hall where independent thinkers can network, think, and discuss critical issues facing the American representative democracy across all political ideologies, ethnicities, classes, and religions." Its goal is to reunite the United States.
In this discussion, we also talk about the immense pressure Stu was placed under for criticizing the Administration, what his family was put through, and how he got through it.
You can follow Stu on Instagram at
And you can catch up with Authentic Americans at
In addition to his music, Eric is fascinated with the art of story telling, and ran a popular live podcast called Uncle Scotchy's Storytelling in Miami.
Eric is currently working on a one man performance he terms as a blues opera and will be performing it live in Miami.
Eric is also a United States Army Veteran. Follow Eric on Instagram at
Kegan Gill has been through things that would kill most people. As a US Navy Fighter Pilot, Kegan was forced to eject into the sound barrier as his plane was going down during a training exercise over the Atlantic Ocean.
In the process of ejecting, Kegan sustained catastrophic injuries that literally ripped his limbs apart along with a severe traumatic brain injury.
His body landed in the ice cold waters of the Atlantic, and his wet suit had ripped open. With his parachute still attached, and unable to move his arms, Kegan was continuously dunked into the freezing water for two hours before his rescue. Luckily, his hypothermic condition kept him from bleeding to death.
Kegan spent the following months focusing on his recovery, and despite his catastrophic injuries, was eventually able to score a perfect PFT and was able to return to flight duty.
But his battle was not over. Due to his traumatic brain injury, Kegan began to experience severe, but temporary, psychosis. After being rushed to the emergency room during a psychotic episode, Kegan was admitted to a VA Mental Health Facility.
Kegan did not react well to pharmaceutical treatments, and in many ways, they made him feel worse. After explaining this to his caregivers, they treated him as a trouble maker, and began doing things like keeping him up all night long by flashing a flashlight in his eyes every 15 minutes.
Kegan has since been seeking alternative treatments for his brain health. He found the Warrior Angels Foundation several months ago and is on the path to recovery through nuttracutical and hormonal interventions.
I caught up with Kegan in person at the Warrior Angels Foundation 4X4X48 in Texas. As he told me his story, my jaw hit the floor. In addition to fighting for his health, Kegan is also fighting to maintain his family. He has a wife and two young children.
This is one of the most mind-bending, jaw dropping, and inspiring episodes I've ever done, and I really appreciate Kegan for being so open.
If you are dealing with issues related to trauma, depression, brain health, or anything of the like, head over to to learn more. You can also donate to the cause of helping Veterans get their lives back.
Learn more about Kegan's Injuries in this addendum to the episode:
Follow Kegan's journey at:
On March 3-5, 2022, Veterans and supporters from across the country got together in the Houston National Forest for the inaugural Warrior Angels Foundation 4x4x48. We ran 4 miles, every 4 hours, for 48 hours through the forest, while camping. Along the way, we went through healing rituals with the Four World's International Institute and Chief Phil Lane of the Dakota and Chickasaw Nations. It was an amazing and transformative experience.
Learn more at