In this episode of the Warrior Soul Podcast we discuss a subject that has affected most of our audience in one way or another: war. We read about war, and we see it depicted in movies. We also hear it spoken about on the news and in political commentary, but the fact remains that a very small percentage of our population in the US ever experiences war. Our guests today are no strangers to war. Dr. Michael Robillard is a philosopher from the University of Oxford who previously served as an infantry officer in the US Army's 82nd Airborne. Lt. Colonel Bob Underwood is a doctoral candidate in philosophy at the University of Oxford and is currently serving as an Armor Officer in the US Army. Together Michael and Bob have created the Homofurens Podcast where they explore society's relationship with war and how this relationship affects warriors.
To learn more about the Homofurens Podcast: CLICK HERE
For the Oxford Security and Politics Initiative: