If you have big goals and seek to maintain high ideals in your life, at some point you are destined to fail. We all know this, but there isn't really a guidebook out there for how to deal with the crushing disappointment we often feel when we experience a failure.
This episode takes you through 6 big tips to help you to get through inevitable failures in your life.
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A Harvard lecturer recently stated in a lecture in Germany that coconut oil is pure poison and that it wasn't until recently that it was considered healthy.
This, however, is contradicts the fact that coconut oil has been eaten for thousands of years amongst Polynesian populations and that those populations had extremely low incidences of heart disease until starting the Western Diet.
This podcast goes into what you should know about coconut oil. The truth is that it isn't poison, and it isn't God's gift to man. It is a food that has some benefits as well as some downfalls if you overconsume it.
To get the worksheet for this episode, visit the show notes at
Albert Carrasco is an entrepreneur, photographer, bodybuilder, and Marine Corps Veteran.
Albert grew up without a father and had to learn from a very young age to provide for himself. Albert's work career began at 13 years old when he got a job to pay for clothes and shoes.
Today, Albert runs a print company and is responsible for producing Warrior Soul and Terminal Lance merchandise.
In this conversation we discuss:
In our lives there is an inherent temptation amongst us to blame the world for our problems. Many enjoy playing the victim and complain about this or that holding them down.
The danger here is that, when you do play the victim, you immediately submit control of your problems to outside forces rather than doing what you should be doing: working on yourself.
In this episode Chris Covers
Mike McClintock is on his third round of fighting a brain tumor, and on his second round of fighting brain cancer. As he faces this second battle for his life, Mike wanted to come onto the podcast to explain what it's taught him.
Mike looks at his cancer as a gift that's inspired him to use his experience to help others going through hardship and tragedy.
The two most important assets you have in your life are your mind and your body. If either falters, it will keep you from doing the things you need to do in your life for your family, for your career, and for yourself.
One aspect of maintaining these two most valuable of assets is mental toughness. Being mentally tough means that you're not only going to be good on your good days, but that you'll also find a way to perform when things get hard.
In this episode we go through three things you can do to increase your own mental toughness.
Each week Chris gathers up questions from the Warrior Soul Fitness Academy private Facebook group to give the community insight into some of the most important issues in health, fitness, strength, conditioning, and living your best life.
Eddie Avakoff is the renaissance man of the strength training world. He competes or has competed in Elite Level OCR, Crossfit, Triathlon, Powerlifting, Water Polo, MMA, and Jiu Jitsu. He was one of the first high level endurance competitors to apply powerlifting principles to endurance training. He's also an avid advocate of strongman training and tactical shooting.
Eddie is also an accomplished entrepreneur who started one of the most famous gyms in the world, Metroflex Gym, Long Beach.
Interview begins at 00:08:00 minutes.
One of the hardest parts of doing anything in life, is just getting started. This episode explores tips and tactics for getting you started on your path the more strength, better health, and a higher degree of fitness.
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Chris takes questions given to him on the Warrior Soul Fitness Academy Private Facebook Group. To join the fitness academy, head over to www.warriorsoulagoge.com and sign up for our newsletter. When you sign up you get a free testosterone optimization checklist and a free 21 day testosterone optimization workout.
Will Chung is a third generation martial artist descended from Hwang Kee, the founder of Moo Duk Kwan, who influenced the likes of Chuck Norris. Mentored by some of the greatest martial artists in the world, Will eventually moved his way into the fitness industry. His theories on movement and energy prevention have influenced the likes of Scott Sonnon, John Wolf, and others.
Will came onto the show today to discuss some of the many techniques he uses to strengthen and arm his athletes against injury, all of which could be applied to the tactical athletes in the US Military Community.
Get your free Testosterone Optimization checklist: http://menshealth.warriorsoulagoge.com
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Whenever we're trying to do big things in our lives, it always seems like we don't have enough time.
The truth is that we all have the same 24 hours in a day.
We don't lack time, we lack attention.
Dr. Michael Robillard is a Philosophy Research Fellow at the University of Oxford's Oxford Uehiro Centre for Practical Ethics. Michael is also a graduate of the United States Military Academy at West Point and served as an Infantry Officer in the United States Army.
In the world of Instagram fitness, there's a sea of trainers out there taking selfies, flexing their abs, and performing exercises for the camera.
Then there's JTM_Fit also known by his real name, Jay T. Maryniak. Amongst fitness pages, his page truly stands out for it's displays of strength, power, explosiveness, and creativity. Jay's also out there providing value every day with solid descriptions of his programming.
If that were all that was behind Jay's story, he would be inspiring enough, but Jay's also overcome a lot of his own demons to get to where he is today. At a very young age Jay found drugs and alcohol. He entered rehab at age 20 addicted to crack and came out the other side.
After getting sober, Jay began practicing martial arts and competing in Crossfit. While training for a Crossfit competition, Jay became seriously ill, got rushed to the emergency room and found out he had Type 1 diabetes. That didn't stop him, and he continued training. Eventually Jay moved away from Crossfit and developed his own training methodology called The Functional Method. It involves powerlifting, kettlebells, gymnastics and several other modalities.
In all, Jay is a great guy with a really inspiring story who's life is a testament to resilience.
To follow Jay on Instagram: @JTM_Fit
To join Jay on The Functional Method click HERE.
Dr. Chad Waterbury is a master strength coach who's worked with some of the top athletes in the world. He's a writer for Testosterone Nation and widely known for his techniques involving circuits and bodyweight exercises. Chad came onto the show to discuss his insights for warfighters and Veterans.
In recent years we've been hearing more and more about the potential benefits of psychedelic substances for the brain. Now some are beginning to look to these substances for potential improvement in athletics. We brought on our resident biohacker, Matt Cooper of 12AM Labs to talk about his cutting edge work in this area.
For more on Matt: http://www.12amlabs.com
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Jake Behney is the owner of Pinnacle MMA and Jiu Jitsu in Redlands, California. Jake's skills as a coach have helped several of his students make it to the UFC including standout Bobby Greene. They've also influenced most of the the schools in California's Inland Empire.
On June 26, another one of his students, Jamall Emmers, will get a chance for UFC glory on Dana White's UFC Contender Series.
This interview takes place in the midst of Jamall's training camp as he prepares for the fight of his life. We get into his routine, what he does in his free time, and how martial arts have shaped him and Jake.
Big Rob is a personal trainer and competitive bodybuilder from Compton, CA. Rob started lifting weights to train for baseball, but fell in love with bodybuilding in his 20s. Since then, Rob has gone on to inspire thousands through his social media and videos. He's competing in the NPC USA's for his Classic Physique Pro Card in July.
For Big Rob's Website: htttp://www.robdiditmerch.com
To follow Big Rob on Instagram: @_BigRobDidit
In this short episode of the Warrior Soul Podcast Chris discusses one of the biggest mistakes he made as a young man: basing his value off of the number of women he slept with.
Tom Campbell is a Physicist and the author of the book My Big TOE. He is a leading proponent of the theory that we currently live in a virtual reality simulation and seeks to prove this through scientific methods. His recent Kickstarter campaign is currently raising money to conduct experiments to solve this interesting question.
For Tom's Kickstarter: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/simulation/do-we-live-in-a-virtual-reality
Subscribe to the Warrior Soul Podcast: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/the-warrior-soul-podcast/id1096901382?mt=2
Listen on the Web: https://warriorsoulagoge.com/blogs/podcast
In this episode of the Warrior Soul Podcast we discuss a subject that has affected most of our audience in one way or another: war. We read about war, and we see it depicted in movies. We also hear it spoken about on the news and in political commentary, but the fact remains that a very small percentage of our population in the US ever experiences war. Our guests today are no strangers to war. Dr. Michael Robillard is a philosopher from the University of Oxford who previously served as an infantry officer in the US Army's 82nd Airborne. Lt. Colonel Bob Underwood is a doctoral candidate in philosophy at the University of Oxford and is currently serving as an Armor Officer in the US Army. Together Michael and Bob have created the Homofurens Podcast where they explore society's relationship with war and how this relationship affects warriors.
To learn more about the Homofurens Podcast: CLICK HERE
For the Oxford Security and Politics Initiative: https://www.oxspi.com/
To everyone in the Warrior Soul Nation, have a safe and reflective Memorial Day.
Ryan Michler is a US Army veteran, father, coach, financial advisor, and the founder of The Order of Man a podcast founded to help men step more fully into their roles as protectors, providers, and presiders over themselves, their families, their businesses and their communities.
To learn more about Ryan: http://www.orderofman.com
Kristin Rayl is a Personal Trainer and Cannabis Model and Advocate for applications of Cannabis to treat chronic diseases and chronic pain. She is also an expert social media marketer, brand builder, and sales manager within the cannabis industry. Originally from Indiana, Kristin moved to California in order to pursue Cannabis as a treatment for her own chronic conditions including endometriosis and fibromyalgia. Her focus is on encouraging others to see the benefit of switching from pharmaceuticals to plant based medicines. With her fitness background, Kristin brings a unique approach to the cannabis industry that combines fitness, healthy living, and cannabis use.
For Kristin's Instagram: @KristinRayl
For Kristin's Web Site: https://www.kristinrayl.com/