Bobby Maximus is considered one of the best trainers in the United States today. He's applied his unique methodology toward training professional athletes, tier 1 Special Operators from the US Military, and other elite clientele.
Bobby's also got vast experience in training average everyday people. After working for the world famous Gym Jones for many years, Bobby moved on to start his own gym Maximus Gym in Salt Lake City Utah.
Bobby's unique background also allows him to bring a unique perspective to his craft. Prior to becoming a coach, Bobby was a teach, a police officer, and a UFC fighter.
His book, Maximus Body contains strategies to help readers become as insanely fit as possible.
In this episode, we discuss Bobby's philosophies on training and on life. We get deep into the importance of mindset in accomplishing your goals. We talk about some of the setbacks Bobby's faced in his health and in life, and how he approaches these setbacks when they come his way.