Paul Tokgozoglu is a digital marketer and podcast host who is also the CEO of Excelsior Industries: A company working to revolutionize the education industry using Artificial Intelligence.
Paul and his team are creating an automated platform that will allow a person to learn anything online by accessing available content in a curated and automated fashion.
Paul also hosts the Beyond Homo Sapien Podcast about how emerging technology and ideas are driving forward human expansion and staging the species for the next leap forward in evolution.
Beyond this, Paul has led an extremely interesting life. He is currently serving as an officer in the United States Army. After going through a very rough personal period, Paul had some tests done and found out that he's on the autistic spectrum.
Outside of his business ventures, Paul is also an avid Jiu Jitsu practitioner with nearly a decade of training under his belt.
Learn more about Paul and his projects at the links below:
Take Paul's Free Course on how to identify and overcome the limiting beliefs that are sabotaging your mind in 3 easy steps that leave you feeling energized and ready to conquer your goals!