Ryan Matthews is a veteran, dog trainer, and cancer survivor. He got his start as a dog trainer in the US Army where he served as a dog handler during deployments to Iraq.
As a person, Ryan has seen his highs and very low lows. As a kid, he became a drug dealer. A situation where one of his friends tried to kill him put him on the path to the US Army.
Once in the Army, Ryan decided that he wanted to work with K9s. He perfected his skills as a dog handler during his service, and when he got out, he decided to become a full time professional dog trainer.
At the height of his career, Ryan was stricken with Cancer. Though treatment helped him to overcome his disease, his mental anguish was still there. After losing his temper, Ryan lost his dogs and his business.
Now Ryan is on the path to redemption and he's making his dog training available world wide with World of Dog Training. Ryan came onto the Warrior Soul Podcast to talk about his life, his battles, and how he's come back against the odds.
To visit World of Dog Training: https://www.worldofdogtraining.com/
In this episode, we discuss the importance of speaking your truth, for your business and your life. Never be afraid to say what you mean. Life is filled with situations where you have the opportunity to remain ambiguous and not speak your truth. This poses a problem.
When people avoid speaking their minds it pushes them along a path toward a kind of lifelong limbo. You have ideas, but you don't know if they're good ideas. That's because you've never fully stated them.
In business and life, it's important to speak your truth so that you can know, without a shadow of a doubt, where your ideas stand. Too many people are afraid of these honest assessments, but they are vital for any path toward success.
At the end of the day, life is hard. If you couple the everyday rigors for life with a desire for a deeper and meaningful life, things can become even more difficult.
This is why it's so important that you have a well defined "why" surrounding every goal. The world is simply not going to stop because you want to accomplish something.
In fact, when you're working on something that's truly important to you, the world seems to become even more difficult. Problems seem more likely to happen. Work that doesn't involve your goal seems to pile up more.
That means that your reason for pursuing your goal needs to be so important that you won't allow those problems to get in your way.
Adam Kokesh is a Libertarian activist, author, Veteran of the US Marine Corps, and candidate for President of the United States.
Adam has a long history of challenging the status quo of American Politics. This began with protesting the Iraq War with the group Iraq Veterans Against the War.
Some of his most notable protests have ended in his arrest. These include being arrested for dancing in the Jefferson Memorial and loading a shotgun with live shells in Washington, DC's Freedom Plaza.
Recently, Adam published his book Freedom, and sent a copy of it to every address in the city of New Orleans. He is also the host of a Youtube talk series titled Adam vs The Man.
Adam's presidential run is based on a platform for the peaceful and orderly dissolution of the United States government in favor of 50 independent states.
To learn more about Adam and his candidacy: www.thefreedomline.com
When you look at your goals in life, there's a tendency to gaze at the top of the mountain. It looks so far away and almost untouchable.
This is why so many people quit. They believe that there's "no time" to work for their goals because they need to focus on what they need now. Nothing gets done and the dream gets lost.
But the way to work toward goals isn't by trying to get to the top of the mountain on the first day. It begins by breaking you progress down into small chunks. Working an hour a day toward where you want to go.
If you do that, then you'll get closer and closer to your goal each day. We aren't owed anything but chances in life. This episode teaches you how to take advantage of those chances.
It's one week into the new year and many people have already given up their New Year's Resolutions. A lot of critics would call these people "lazy" or "quitters."
I don't think that's the case. Most people are extremely busy, and when it comes to inserting new goals into an already packed life, there is no step by step guide book.
What I do know is that, if you're trying to excel at something, you need to have a really good plan for winning the day. That means finding time where you can do all the things you need to do to be you.
In this short episode, I outline such a strategy. I hope that this helps you in your quest to become a stronger version of yourself
Markian Sich is a US Marine Corps Officer, entrepreneur, and real estate investor. At this point, if you know what an active duty Marine Corps Officer does, your next question should be "how?"
Markian has developed a methodology for active duty service members to successfully invest in real estate and build wealth while they're still in the military.
What that means is that those who successfully apply Markian's strategy could find themselves in a position where they do not need to scramble to find another job, or any job, when they get into the civilian world.
In this interview, Markian discusses how and why he started www.activedutypassiveincome.com and how you can learn how to apply this strategy to your transition to the civilian world
From my childhood, self confidence has always been a challenge for me, as it is with many other people. There were many reasons why, including the fact that I was raised without a dad, but blaming things like this simply lets us off the hook.
The truth is that self confidence can be built. It comes from doing things that are challenging and giving yourself a chance to grow. In this episode, I cover three different things you can do right now to grow your own self confidence.
These include undertaking difficult challenges, interacting with other people in organized groups and teams, and learning leadership. True self confidence comes from delivering value to other people and helping others to become better.
If you feel like you lack self confidence, use these tips to build your confidence muscle. It will not be easy at first, but with practice, it is doable.
For the last week, we've been talking about New Year's Resolutions on the show, and how many people fail at their resolutions. Today, we're going to talk about one thing that can help you to hold the line: developing good habits.
Forming positive habits, and a really good routine, is the cornerstone of success for anyone seeking to become better and stronger. With the power of habit, successful practices become less of a chore and more like a part of your day.
Building habits comes about from preparing yourself properly each day, adopting a routine, undertaking a task even when you don't feel like it, and setting challenges for yourself through small incremental goals.
As with any worthwhile venture, this takes time, but it is well worth it for what you will get in return.