For Marines and Soldiers who serve in the infantry, many leave the military believing that they have no identifiable skills that they can apply in the civilian world as veterans.
This is the farthest thing from the truth.
In all actuality, serving in the infantry teaches you how to plan towards a goal, how to organize and delegate, and above all how to lead. These are invaluable skills that can be applied across industries and professions, and skills that are priceless for entrepreneurs.
In this episode, we speak to Nick Velez, one of the founders of Bastards Canteen in Downey, California.
Nick had absolutely no restaurant experience or business experience when he started Bastards. When the opportunity arose to take over a failing restaurant, he called his old friend Calvin Spencer, a Marine who served with him in Co E, 2nd Batallion, 4th Marines while they were deployed to Ramadi, Iraq in 2006.
Calvin was going to culinary school at the time and he took over the menu. Meanwhile, Nick started planning the business. Rather than set up a traditional business plan, he created an Operations Order using the acronym OSMEAC that he learned from operational plans he'd seen in the Marine Corps.
In the eight years that Bastards has been open, the restaurant has obtained rapid success. They're currently expanding to locations in Temecula, CA and Coachella. The Temecula location will be open 10 November 2019.
In addition to Bastards, Nick has also started the Veterans' charity Save the Brave. His old commanding officer from Echo 2/4, Scott Huesing serves on the board and they are doing some amazing work in helping the Veteran Community.
Scott's been on this show as a guest before. He is the author of the book Echo in Ramadi, which details the stories of his Marines in combat.
In this episode, we brought on both Nick and Scott to discuss the lessons Nick learned in the Marine Corps, and how Veterans can apply what they've learned to obtain massive success.
You'll learn:
This episode is dedicated to the memory of Calvin Spencer and all of the Marines of 2/4, the Magnificent Bastards who are no longer with us.
Over the past ten years, there's been a literal boom in Veteran charities. 501c3's have popped up in every corner of the country.
Many of these organizations are doing great work, but they aren't getting much traction and they burn out quickly. This happens for three reasons:
1. They lack the marketing knowledge
2. They lack donors
3. They do not communicate with or work with each other
In this episode, I speak with Dave McConnell from Listening Post Ayr. Dave's organization does great work and is growing.
He's also agreed to help in creating a database of small Veterans' organizations so that Veterans can find them and they so they can begin working together to promote each other.
That list will be located at
I will also have this linked on the menu at
If you are interested in having your organization on this list, please contact Dave at
As human beings we tend to think of life as an everlasting thing. That's why, when we lose someone, it hits hard.
We've got to go on and live in this world without them.
But the thing about life is that it isn't permanent. Every single one of us will face death at some point.
And when we lose someone, it should remind us how important it is to actually live.
This episode was created in honor of Corporal Jordan Pierson who was killed on August 25, 2006 in Fallujah, Iraq while serving in the United States Marine Corps.
It was also created in honor of my friend Patrick "Juni" Gutierrez whom we lost last week.
The Millennial Generation could also be called the Scapegoat Generation. There's not a day that goes by that I don't see a meme on social media mocking millennials for being weak, overly sensitive, or incompetent.
What these memes and posts fail to take into account is that, if the millennial generation is weaker than other generations, and I do not think that's the case, it's because we've failed them. We've failed to guide them, to teach them, and to mentor them.
This episode discusses an argument that I got into this week on Instagram involving a young man who was accused of planning a mass shooting in my hometown of Norwalk, Connecticut.
I discuss our tendency as a society to point the finger, virtue signal, and pass the buck when it comes to giving real guidance. I also discuss why these weaknesses will lead to more mass shootings, and how I believe that we can all step up.
Another theme here involves the Veteran Community, and how many of us find ourselves stigmatized and cast out of society because we do not fit "the mold" of normalcy.
This episode was sponsored by FBOMB Nutrition. Get 20% off of your first order of FBOMBS by heading over to and using the code WARRIORSOUL at checkout.
When many think of the "Left" in the US political-ideological spectrum, they think of things like tolerance, equality, and anti-imperialism.
Yet, that perspective is increasingly being called into question.
In this episode, we bring in the perspective of someone from the Caribbean, a region that's existed in the shadow of US foreign policy throughout its history.
Dr. Kirk Meighoo is a Trinidadian academic, former independent Senator, and political thought leader.
He is also a former "Marxist" who argues that "leftist" and "progressive" thought is actually more aligned with imperialism than the traditional conservative ideological perspective if you look at the facts and the historical record.
In this episode, we dissect the current political discourse in the United States with a discussion of topics ranging from US foreign policy to immigration.
This is surely one of our most controversial episodes, and regardless of what your political views are, it's aim is to get you to think.
Our Sponsor: FBomb Nutrition - makers of delicious low carb fat-fueled snacks. Get 20% off of your first order of FBOMBS at and use the code WARRIORSOUL at checkout to get 20% off of your first order.
If you're a business owner, you need to hire Veterans.
We all know that Veterans make for great employees, but few people know that businesses can actually make more money by hiring Veterans.
Our guest today, US Air Force Veteran Robert Woods discovered this as he entered the job market.
Specifically, he discovered that there are federal programs that will help to fund a Veteran's position, and allow the business and the Veteran employee to make more money.
The problem: most employers don't want to do the paperwork and back work required to make it happen.
That's where Robert's business Banneret comes in.
His consultancy will come in, do the paperwork necessary and ensure that you have the workplace set up properly for training.
In this interview, we discuss this amazing opportunity. We also discuss Robert's entrepreneurial journey, and how he got his start in New York City's tough business market.
Connect with Robert on LinkedIn:
This episode is sponsored by FBOMB Nutrition where they make delicious low carb fat fueled snacks. Get 20% off of your 1st order of FBOMBs by using the code WARRIORSOUL at
We've been recording this podcast for four years now. In that time, we've interviewed some amazing guests and we've spoken about some very important subjects for the veteran community.
In this episode, I discuss why the Warrior Soul Podcast exists, how we are expanding our mission, and what the future looks like.
As I mention in this episode, there is a large graveyard of veteran oriented podcasts on iTunes who do not publish anymore.
It's not because they failed. It's because they couldn't be consistent and they stopped publishing.
I feel immense gratitude for being able to do this and to serve this amazing community.
During the show, I also take you through the list of resources we provide as an organization ranging from this podcast to YouTube. On them, you will find tools and strategies to help you with fitness, your career, your business, and your relationships.
If you would like to support this show you can do so in the following ways:
Our shirts are made by Marines for all Veterans. They are top quality, and if any shirt does not match up to your specifications, we will fix it. Check out the gear by clicking the image below:
He's worked in high-level sales environments for the last three decades, building sales teams and driving revenue for some of the top companies in the world across various industries.
He's also sold into multiple billion-dollar casino projects on the Las Vegas strip, including the Wynn Resort, Palazzo Hotel, Mandarin Oriental, and the MGM Grand.
But if you were lucky enough to meet Charlie at a conference, or in passing at a coffee shop, that's not what he'd tell you at first. Charlie would tell you that he "empowers speakers, trainers, and subject matter experts to monetize their content worldwide in three easy steps."
For Charlie, success starts with telling people who you are, what you do, what problems you can help them solve, or how you can make their lives better.
His recently released book Expose and Close is one of the easiest to read, most digestible, and helpful books on sales that I have ever read.
In a world where everyone has the next "trick" or technological "hack," Charlie offers a refreshing trip back to basic skills that could make you extremely successful in all areas of your life.
Your name is powerful. Talk to people, give them your name and ask them for theirs. According to Charlie, there are life-changing opportunities within arms reach of you every time you go out in public. The simple act of approaching people and saying "Hi my name is ______, what's your name?" is responsible for a large part of Charlie's success.
Don't tell people what you are, tell them who you are, what you do, and how you can help them. As I wrote before, Charlie doesn't go around telling people that he's a salesman. He tells them "I empower speakers, trainers, and subject matter experts to monetize their content worldwide in three easy steps." This simple statement gets people wanting to know more, while the "I'm a salesman" statement would have been a non-starter for most people.
Dress for success. You are a package, and you need to wrap your package effectively if you want people to be interested in you.
Charlie was extremely enthusiastic about coming onto the Warrior Soul Podcast and speaking to our audience of veterans because he sees so much potential in the US Military Veteran community.
Many of you have been through things that most people could not grasp. You have dealt with people of all types, and you have overcome obstacles that would make many people break.
If you can do that, you have what it takes to be a successful salesperson or entrepreneur.
Whether you are in sales or not, I highly suggest that you get a copy of Charlie's book by clicking on its image.
Additionally, Charlie just released his new virtual training course at Currently, he's offering this course at a massive discount.
Normally, it runs for $1,000, but it's being sold for a limited time for our audience at $297. I enrolled in the training myself, and I can tell you the
Our shirts are made by Marines for all Veterans. They are top quality, and if any shirt does not match up to your specifications, we will fix it. Check out the gear by clicking the image below:
I don't want to be another talking head giving my opinion on the mass shooting problem here in the US.
Nor do I want to be just another wonk trying to leverage for political positioning.
What I want is a real solution, and no real solution is going to come from legislation.
Kevin Meier is the creator of the Pure BullFit channel on YouTube. He's also a certified personal trainer and a Veteran of the United States Marine Corps.
I first heard about Kevin several weeks prior to this conversation while I was watching YouTube while eating lunch.
As many of you know, I spent six years as a fitness "YouTuber" and had some pretty pitiful success when it came to growing the channel. I guess people didn't like my pretty face lol.
In all, I found YouTube Fitness to be a veritable cesspool of misinformation and pseudo-academic garbage.
There are, however a few channels that really shine through when it comes to providing excellent information, and I consider Kevin's to be amongst them.
Pure Bullfit is an excellent resource for separating fact from fiction when it comes to fitness and I'd recommend it to people at all levels.
It's fun, entertaining, and informative.
Kevin is also a great dude with a huge heart. In this conversation, we speak about his journey through the US Marine Corps, his introduction to fitness, and his YouTube channel.
We also have a great discussion about who you should be following on YouTube and who you should avoid like the black plague.
To subscribe to Pure Bullfit: CLICK HERE
To work with Kevin and the other great coaches at the Damn Collective: CLICK HERE
The Warrior Soul Podcast is brought to you by FBOMB Nutrition. FBOMB makes delicious nut butters and other fat-fueled snacks that pair with a keto or paleo diet. Get 20% off of your first order of FBOMBs at and use the code WARRIORSOUL at check out.
In this episode we bring Remi Adeleke back onto the show to talk about his new book Transformed.
This book is the best book I've read in 2019, and I literally could not put it down once I started reading it. Remi was born of Nigerian royalty.
His father was a successful engineer who wanted to help to make Nigeria prosperous, but corruption stood in his way. Remi's father died when Remi was only 5, and the government seized his assets, leaving his family penniless.
Remi's American mother was forced to move Remi and his brother back to the United States to the Bronx. The streets became Remi's father and he found himself running scams, dealing drugs, and barely graduating high school.
His life took a massive turn when he met a US Navy recruiter who helped him get his record wiped clean. Remi joined the Navy and eventually went on to become a Navy Seal. Since leaving the Navy, Remi has become an actor and recently appeared in Transformers: The Last Knight.
Remi's book isn't just a self-help book nor is it a military biography. It is a testament to the power of God in peoples' lives and of faith's ability to completely transform those who accept it.
You can find Remi's book on Amazon at
This episode is brought to you by FBOMB nutrition. If you want 20% off of your first order of FBOMBs head over to and use the code WARRIORSOUL at checkout.
Life definitely has its ups and its downs, and all of us find ourselves in a situation where we feel stuck at one time or another.
Normally, self-help gurus will tell you that, to get out of a rut, you need to write down goals and develop an action plan. While these are valuable exercises, the problem with this is that, because you're in a rut in the first place, the path forward isn't easy to come by.
As such, writing down goals or attempting to create a vision can be a near meaningless experience and a huge waste of time if you aren't in the right mindset.
This episode will take you through what you need to do to get to that point step-by-step, point-by-point.
The Warrior Soul Podcast is sponsored by FBOMB nutrition. Get 20% off of your first order of FBOMBs at and use the code warriorsoul at checkout.
Daryl Hill is a Marine Corps Veteran and US Naval Academy Graduate.
Unfortunately, PTSD and suicide are two of the most commonly associated words with the US military veteran community. They are problems that have plagued us since the beginning of the Global War on Terror.
But many people have misconceptions about both of these phenomena. This is why Daryl decided to create his latest two projects: The Truth About PTSD and The War on Suicide.
Each of these projects takes an in depth look at the human psyche and the fact that neither of these are exclusively related to military service.
In this conversation, Dary enlightens us as to what he's learned...
You can learn more about each project here:
When we have problems or obstacles in front of us, anxiety is a natural thing.
But many of us allow anxiety to paralyze us into non-action.
Here's the thing, the longer you wait to meet your problems head on, the more anxiety you'll feel and the more it will affect the rest of your life.
The Warrior Soul Podcast is a podcast your US Military Veterans who are seeking to live their absolute best lives hosted by US Marine Corps Veteran Chris Albert.
This podcast is sponsored by FBOMB nutrition. Get 20% off of your first order of FBOMBS when you enter the code WARRIORSOUL at checkout at
You can find more awesome content from Warrior Soul at
Those voices. They come up whenever you're trying to do anything important, and whenever you're trying to change your life.
In many ways, you can be your own worst enemy and your own greatest critic. But you need to overcome that if you want to become who you want to be.
This episode will deliver some tools I've used to overcome my own negativity. They're free, they're expedient, but they aren't easy.
Let me know what you think.
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Growing up, I never had much money. As I went off into adulthood, I did so without a deep education in financial matters...
And that has caused me many problems.
In this episode, I discuss things I've done to increase my financial IQ. The biggest aspect of this is reading and research.
Here is a list of books that I've learned from:
Books I recommend on investing (I do make a small commission from Amazon if you buy from these links):
The Millionaire Teacher by Andrew Haram
Money: Master the Game by Tony Robbins
The Intelligent Investor by Benjamin Graham
A Random Walk Down Wall Street by Burton Malkiel
The Millionaire Next Door by Thomas Stanley
Whenever life doesn't go as planned and you face an obstacle or a problem, you have a choice: to allow that obstacle to make you weaker or stronger.
Regardless of the course of your life, you choose how you want to live.
This podcast is sponsored by FBOMB Nutrition at Use the code WARRIORSOUL at checkout to get 20% off of your first order.
Tomorrow is Independence Day. The day we celebrate the birth of a country that has since become a beacon of hope for it's people, and the rest of the world throughout it's history.
That is not to say that we are perfect. We were born imperfect. But through the sacrifices of many brave souls, we have made countless efforts to right ourselves so that all of our citizens can enjoy the freedom of being American.
This episode was brought to you by FBOMB nutrition. Get 20% off of your first order of FBOMBs at and use the code WARRIORSOUL at checkout.
In life, things happen. Hardly anything ever really goes according to plan.
In fact, when you're doing something important, that's exactly when an obstacle is probably going to pop up.
It's easy to get distracted from your path, or to quit altogether. So how do you stay on track for what you want?
Remind yourself of who you are every day!
This podcast is brought to you by FBOMB nutrition. Get 20% of of your first order of FBOMBS by using the code WARRIORSOUL at
At the end of the day, grudges don't hurt the person you're holding a grudge against. They hurt you. They keep you from being the person you're supposed to be and the person whom you want to be.
One of the most self-destructive things in life is procrastination. When you put things off, it doesn't just keep you from doing an important task. It keeps you from being present in your life.
That, in turn, takes a little bit away from everything else you're trying to do with your life.
In this episode, I talk about how you can keep yourself from procrastinating by getting your most important tasks done.
The Warrior Soul Podcast is sponsored by FBOMB Nutrition. To get your first order of FBOMBs for 20% off use the code WarriorSoul at
Anything difficult in life that's worth doing will always have hidden obstacles. Projects will take more time and cost more money than you thought they would. Accomplishments will take longer to achieve.
That's all part of the game.
But one thing we can do to avoid a lot of needless obstacles is to gain advice from people who've been there before, whether in person or via media.
This is easier now than ever.
It's 6 months into 2019 and most people have let their goals go by the wayside.
In this episode, I discuss a method I'm using to stay on top of my goals and focus on what needs to be done to get them accomplished.
Too many people focus on results. Success isn't about results at all. It's about what you do to get those results.
One of the biggest problems people have is that they expect instant success. Success doesn't come from just hitting home runs. It comes from doing the work, day in day out.